Daily Rides

Day 17 — Palm trees in Plocton but no pagans

Day 17 — Palm trees in Plocton but no pagans

This is yesterday’s ride after the Bealach Na BA climb. We’re actually further down the road towards Skye. If you’ve seen the 1970’s classic horror movie The Wicker Man you’ll recognise this concrete bridge in the Scottish Highlands village of Plocton. That’s Jude...

Day 16 — Bealach Na Ba: Britain’s toughest road climb

I girded myself up for this one but, in the end, it wasn’t as tough as the billing. Super scenic, yes, but I reckon Hardknott in the Lake District is tougher. Of course, this could be because I’ve got a super wide range of gears on the Vielo +1 (I didn’t even have to...

Travel Day — Back to Inverness, starting with LNER

Travel Day — Back to Inverness, starting with LNER

Well, that rest day was over quickly. Now back on the road. Quick ride through town to the station for the first of three trains to get me back to Inverness and then on to Attadale and Plockton. I say “me” but it’s “us” now as my wife Jude has joined the trip for a...

Day 15 — Bothy to Fort Augustus

Day 15 — Bothy to Fort Augustus

I am now in Inverness and did more mileage than this Strava report suggests. How I got here is for the book. I changes the route en route, partly because of a washed-out bridge but also because there was too much gravel through what was nondescript forest. Got some...

Day 14 Addition — Corrieyairack Pass

Day 14 Addition — Corrieyairack Pass

This is one of the rides in the book so should be kept secret until publication but as I was in Dalwhinnie and will then pop up in Inverness it’s obvious I must have gone over General Wade’s 1731 Road over the Corrieyairack Pass. Road, yes, passable with a motor...

Day 14 — Dalwhinnie to ??

Dunno how much connectivity I will have later today so posting today’s start point. From the Old School hostel to the Dalwhinnie service station for food for tonight. Raining hard; got a tough hike-a-bike to do

Day 13 — Tomintoul to Dalwhinnie; dry until the end

The Cairngorms are stunning, even in bad weather. And today was good weather. I rode in my short-sleeved jersey for most of the day, even on the descents. I was hoping to make Dalwhinnie before it started to rain but got to within about 6 miles out. I’d’ve made it...

Day 11 — Pitlochry to Aberdeen via Stonehaven

Well, that was my longest ride for a while. Felt strong most of the day. Flagging towards the end. Wanted to get to Aberdeen without getting wet, and did. In Stonehaven a woman asked “Is that a gravel bike?” She’s already got a touring bike and a mountain bike but was...